the blog that nobody asked for
When I come downstairs in the morning and open the kitchen blinds, the animal kingdom rushes to my welcome. No, literally: squirrels and birds spot the twitch of the curtains and flock to the back balcony in droves. Then they see it’s me and back off, disappointed.
I’m married to Dr. Doolittle, you see. After our last dog passed, Howie had nowhere to put his overflowing pet love. So he adopted the neighbourhood wildlife. It started with a sprinkle of bagel crumbs.............

I think the first thing to go with age is ego. Or rather, it is in an ideal world. In actual fact it’s more likely to be bright eyes and dewy skin.
At 20 I thought I owned the world. By 30 I was trying to give it back. Today, I’m happy to rent for now while my ego goes walkabout. It comes from a good place: a Buddist-style valuing of everyone and everything’s equal contribution to this world; a magnanimous streak, maybe; not least, a realization that leaving one’s mark is the purview of megalomaniacs.............